Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han is a Young Adult Romance that follows the continuing relationship of Lara Jean Covey and Peter Kavinsky as they look towards the perfect end to senior year and a future outside of high school.
It’s all figured out. The class trip to New York, Prom with Peter, and of course Beach Week after graduation. Then it’s off to the University of Virginia where Peter would play lacrosse and Lara Jean would lose herself in the famed McGregor room, or as her mom used to call it, the magic library, for its resemblance to something straight out of Harry Potter.
But when things start happening that Lara Jean never expected, she is thrown into a whirlwind of emotions that threatens her relationship with Peter. Now she must make a choice. But will her decision be the best one for her..or Peter?
“You know what I’m really looking forward to the most? Not Having to say good night. I hate saying good night.”
That feeling of going off to college and finally being in control of my own schedule is something I’ll never forget. Sure, I might not have been the ideal freshman, skipping classes more often than I went. But I made up for it by forcing myself out of my introverted shell. I met new friends and had new experiences, both of which helped open my soul to the possibility that there was more to life than I ever imagined.
Always and Forever is one of those Young Adult Romance books that I would suggest being included on your bookshelf. If you don’t trust me, google the reviews for the series and read all the amazing things that have been said about them. As a bonus, the author, Jenny Han, is super personable, engages with her fans regularly, and is really hilarious. If you like her style of writing, definitely check out her social media. She even gives out her number if you have something on your mind and feel the need to text her!
This brings me to the first location of importance: The Rotunda at the University of Virginia.

When I blow out the candles and make my wish, I wish that I will always feel for Peter the way I do right now.
In her head, Lara Jean never allowed herself to think about going anywhere but UVA. All of her hopes and dreams, her plans, centered around this perfect, storybook campus.
But as she waits in anticipation of acceptance, her frustration and fears start to overwhelm her. What if she didn’t get in? What would happen to her relationship with Peter? Would her family be upset? All questions Lara Jean wanted to bury in the back of her mind.
This brings me to the Second location of importance: Levain Bakery

Sometimes I still can’t believe he’s mine. The handsomest boy of all the handsome boys is mine, all mine.
Throughout this entire book, it’s apparent that baking is a stress reliever for Lara Jean. Anytime she is feeling overwhelmed or anxious, she goes straight to the kitchen! In this book, Lara Jean becomes obsessed with perfecting her chocolate chip cookie recipe, which undoubtedly has something to do with how uncertain she is about her future.
The last straw for my taste buds happened during their senior trip to New York. Peter stopped by my absolute favorite bakery and brought Covey back one of their monster chocolate chip cookies. Although it was just a cookie, this simple gesture shows how much Peter truly listens and cares for Lara Jean.
This brings me to the third location of importance: Franklin Street Bar

“Never say no when you really want to say yes.”
If someone had given me this advice years ago, I would have made some vastly different decisions. I’ve played it safe far too many times, and I do have regrets. Sometimes what you really want is scary and, it seems, totally unattainable. But what if you went for it anyway?
Stormy’s advice to Lara Jean serves as a central theme to this Young Adult Romance. Lara Jean has a plan, and she doesn’t want to question it. But spending time at Franklin Street with her best friend has made her doubt this decision. Will she finally admit out loud what she’s been thinking all along?
If you’re interested in learning more about this Young Adult Romance, Always and Forever, Lara Jean and its author Jenny Han or would like to purchase the book, please check out the links below.
Barnes and Noble
Author Website
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